whatsapp/viber: +639499725010 email >>> We have this cute kittens available. Very sweet, very loving, very playful. HCM free lines. All our kittens come with a hea
Our puppies will go home with their first set of vaccinations, microchipped, multiple deworming treatments, 1 year health guarantee and a puppy package
I am posting this ad because I am looking for a loving home for my puppies , I paid a lot of money for on them I work a full time job and don't have enough time to give them
puppies will be posted shortly.* 8 Standard Poodle Puppies for Sale. puppies are ready to be rehomed now parents are standard poodles. Mother is black, 3month old, and weighs 45lbs.
hey are both gorgeous female dogs and very well behaved. She has been socialized with children since she was born and we also have 3 small children.
Grew up with children. They are pee-pad potty trained, have been de-wormed, and have had their first shots. Mother is 5 lbs and father is 3lbs, so puppies will full grown.
These are home raised puppies. Maltese are non shedding and hypoallergenic. These are small fragile pets not suitable for young children.
Unfortunately, after a few days we have realized that we do not have the time that this little puppies needs in order to grow into the best boy he will be.
All the puppies naturally socialized with their siblings and trained with their parents in great space. 2. All the puppies are 12 weeks old now and had been vaccinated, dewormed,
Hi we have 4 beautiful Shiba Inu puppies looking for good homes puppies are male and female puppies ! They had their first set of shots have been dewormed.
Blue carrier Beagle
Beautiful KC registered pug puppies.*** Born just 12 weeks ago, ready to leave mum in . Puppies will be microchipped, are fully health checked
We have a beautiful litter of 6 cockapoo puppies. 2 apricot boys available Mum is our fully health tested cocker spaniel, she is clear for AMS, DM, EIC, FN, PFK, PRA her nature is fantastic. Dad is
6 available puppies 12000 - 2 girls - light and dark pink collars 10000 - 4 boys - Yellow, Orange, Blue and Green Collars We’ll put microchips, flea & worm, vaccinated vet health check a