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Private seller

Hi we have 1 female and 2 male open for rehoming.

Below are the details:

Date of Birth: June 9, 2022
Dam: Snow of Bichon Legends (pavadonis lineage)
Sire: Lamby of Heather Kennel (taiwan import lineage)
PCCI registered (paper on hand)
2x vaccinated by 5in1 upon release
3=4x dewormed upon release
with Puppy Card

Will give discount for early reservation.

Note: we control posting in facebook to avoid violating the community standards which may result to account restriction.

Thank you.

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Interested in chatting? You can call or text the seller directly by using the information below. Ensure you have fully read the listing to prevent asking the seller a question that has already been answered!

Be smart and safe.

NameArmy Knight
Phone numberMDk3Nzc4NzAyNTE=
Account typePrivate seller
LocationSan jose del monte, BULACAN 3023
MapShow map
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